I think you should ignore this Lighthouse suggestion. Deferring css leads to the page rendering with no style and then being re-rendered when the style arrives. It can be a disturbing user experience.
I am no expert on this and don't use Lighthouse often so maybe others might have a different opinion. I just ran lighthouse on one of my teste sites - it scores 100 on 3 of the 4 tests but still offers me so much advice it would take weeks to fix. So for now my head is going back into the sand.
I am no expert on this and don't use Lighthouse often so maybe others might have a different opinion. I just ran lighthouse on one of my teste sites - it scores 100 on 3 of the 4 tests but still offers me so much advice it would take weeks to fix. So for now my head is going back into the sand.
Statistics: Posted by ceford — Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:24 pm